Thursday, January 9, 2020

Crickets and Their Reaction to Different Stimuli, Light,...

CRICKETS AND THEIR REACTION TO DIFFERENT STIMULI, LIGHT, SOUND, AND TOUCH Introduction According to Dorothea Kohstall-Schnell and Heribert Gras, Nicklaus, R found in his study most insects have fine hairs and/ or other structures for detecting movement such as wind and sound. (Activity of Giant Interneurones and other Wind-Sensitive Elements of the Terminal Ganglion in the Walking Cricket. Kohstall-Schnell, D. Gras, H. 1994).The cricket is equipped with these hair sensory structures. According to Dorothea Kohstall-Schnell and Heribert Gras, Palka, J. and Olberg, R found these structures trigger sensory cells and the message then passes through neurons to reach the terminal ganglion. (Activity of Giant Interneurones and other†¦show more content†¦There will also be a control group, a set of crickets in the same environment with the same stimuli, just not on ice. Once the cricket’s soil has reached 53.6 degrees Fahrenheit, measured with a thermometer, the first stimuli, light, is brought in. Light will be flashed on/ off with strobe light on high of the phone flashlight for 45 sec. Then record how many times the crickets jump, and rate their movement on a scale of 1-5. This rating is done collaboratively and decided upon as a group. The crickets will then sit for 2 more minutes without a stimulus. Once the two minutes is up the first and second stimuli will be used. The flash light and a noise (alarm sound on phone on high), these two stimuli will be present for 45seconds. Then record how many times the crickets jump as a whole, and rate their movement on a scale of 1-5.The crickets will then again sit for 2 minutes without stimuli. Lastly bring in all 3 stimuli. Throughout the 45 seconds the crickets will be presented with flashing light, sound, and motion (wind from a fan turned on its highest notch). Then record how many times the crickets jump as a whole, and rate their movements on a scale of 1-5.This experiment is also done to a group that was not on ice. These crickets were kept at a room temperature of 71.6 degrees Fahrenh eit; measuring this with a thermometer; after going through this procedure with the iced and non-iced group of crickets 3 times. The iced and non-icedShow MoreRelatedIntroduction to Motivation16686 Words   |  67 Pagesable to put her legs on ground and she would no more be able to walk and run like normal person. Her dream to be fastest lady on earth seemed to be fading away and then a magic turned everything upside-down. Sachin Tendulkar was once told to quit cricket,but today we hardly know about this story simply because Tendulkar is itself the name of success . We all know about Thomas Alva Edison as a great scientist but we hardly know about his story of failures. 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