Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Social Networking Can Impair Communication and Identity Essay

In today’s society not only are we obsessed with technology, we depend and rely on it daily. Do we, as a society, depend too much on technology? In recent years a phenomena called social networking has really taken off. While there are numerous social networking sites, Facebook is by far the largest and most popular. Facebook has more than 1 billion active users and the average user has 130 friends (Statistics). Have Facebook, Twitter, and other social networking sites gotten out of hand? While some people may believe social networking has positive effects on humans, it in fact has negatively altered the way we communicate, our identities, and even our health. Communication is a complex process that involves seven components:†¦show more content†¦The environment in which you talk to your friends plays an enormous part in communication. While some people tell their friends that they will â€Å"see them on Facebook later,† no physical interaction has taken place. Telling someone information on a social networking site is much different from telling them in a physical location. Similarly to feedback, location plays a key role on how the message is interpreted (Guerva). For an instance, remember back to my previous example in which you wanted to tell a dear friend that you have been diagnosed with cancer. By telling them on a social networking site instead of a hospital, for example, they very well could misunderstand your message. While interpretation is a key component in communication, social networking has vastly changed our language and the way we speak. When I started high school texting was becoming â€Å"the next big thing†; social networking is modern society’s â€Å"next big thing†. Why would I bring texting into this paper? Texting left a permanent scar on the English language (Guerva). For instance, think about some of the following acronyms used in texting: LOL, OMG, WTH, JK, and so forth. The se acronyms not only appear in texts, they appear in every day communication. I have heard a myriad of people use them as if they were real words, such as â€Å"LOL, that was so funny†! Social networking sites tookShow MoreRelatedSocial Media And Its Impact On Society Essay1560 Words   |  7 Pagesnext high, society has become more and more dependent on social media. One must realize, while the use of social media in today’s society is a necessity due to the fast-paced environment that has been created, it can never fully replace the value received from personal interaction with others. The short film titled, The Library Book, perfectly illustrates this as the characters within the film learn to assimilate in a society dominated by social media. The actions of each character and their surroundingsRead MoreSocial Media And Social Networking1765 Words   |  8 Pagespart of life and social media continues to be one of the most popular communication platforms. 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